Early Labor To-Do’s
I was recently gifted this beautiful early labor photo from a client who invited me to share it on my website/social media, and I am so grateful for that opportunity. It isn’t often that a birth doula is able to get photos of herself in action, and we are protective of our clients’ privacy and all their preferences. But when a client loves sharing and enthusiastically tells you to feel free to share- you jump on it! Thank you, dear J + D. So grateful to have shared space with you guys during this beautiful, intimate and special birth journey.
What You See Here
This photo was snapped by J’s spouse, D, the morning after we had spent the night up in early labor, gone in to the hospital for a check up, and returned home to continue laboring in a comfortable environment until active labor picked up. It would be another 24+ hours before baby M was born, and another 12+ hours before we headed back to the birth space. Oftentimes, doulas will check in with you in early labor over the phone and join you once active labor has picked up; but sometimes, early labor needs a little bit of extra presence and support- and we balance the two things- being present, along with conserving our energy for the moments where you might need us most.
Early Birthing Time Tips
- Utilize that shower and bath, numerous times as needed! Trust me, it will help you re-set and give you some reprieve. Sometimes it can help calm contractions/waves down if ‘it’s not the real thing’, or help make them regular if ‘it’s the real thing.’ Baths in early labor can also be a great way of relaxing your body enough to help baby get into a great position if she is trying to wiggle herself through.
- Rest, baby, rest! Early labor is the time for resting as much as possible, because once active labor picks up, rest become more fleeting. Rest whether that means lying in your bed or on the sofa, or sitting up on a comfy chair and leaning your head over the edge of the bed with a bunch of pillows to rest on. Gather that energy for when it’s most needed!
- Eat, hydrate and replenish your body. Keep those electrolytes coming! Most people have some sort of an appetite in early labor, and might lose that appetite for food by the time active labor rolls around.
- Surround yourself by only those people who will help you feel at total ease. Anyone who might make you feel like you need to host them, or like you need to ‘perform’ for them by having regular contractions- this might not be the right time to have them around. This might even include your doula in early labor!
- Distract yourself with movies, laundry, baking, nature walks, visits with loved ones; anything that will keep your mind off of labor- until there is no way to ignore it anymore! I have personally found myself loving a good shower and shave, and cleaning and mopping my kitchen in early labor- that nesting urge totally kicking in.